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About Babelle

To learn more about Isabelle, the founder and manager of Babelle Traduction & Cie,
you are in the right place!

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Babelle's story

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My name is Isabelle and I live in Switzerland, in Nyon.

I hold a Bachelor's degree in English and Italian Literature and Linguistics and a Master in Specialized Translation from the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Geneva.


I started learning various languages already in my childhood.

As a child, we traveled several times a year to Croatia, where my family is from. While we were driving through Italy, I would always hear my father "gibberish" words in Italian to try to communicate at the tollbooth, at the restaurant, at the gas station... So when the opportunity of learning Italian came up at school, of course I took it. What I discovered during these courses is that learning a language goes well beyond simple words: a language exists in a context, and to master it, it is essential to be interested in the culture of the country, its history, its geography, and the habits and customs of its population.
And even if I had started to learn English and German long before, already at the age of eight, it was during my Italian lessons that I developed a passion for culture, history, reading, traveling and, of course, language learning.
German and English at eight years old, Italian from twelve years old, Russian at sixteen, Spanish "on the fly" during a three-month trip to Mexico... and I hope many more languages on my future adventures!


I knew I wanted to be a translator more or less at the age of thirteen, without really knowing all the aspects of this profession. All my following academic decisions were made to fulfill this goal. I first pursued literary studies in English and Italian to satisfy my passion for reading, linguistics and culture. Then I enrolled in a Master's degree in translation.
After I graduated in 2017, I did like many young people in my situation: I accepted a job that didn't have a connection with my studies, but with the intention of looking for another job at the same time. What was supposed to be temporary - a position in a department organizing medical stays for VIP foreign patients in a private clinic - turned into a whirlwind of experiences and learnings that lasted two years. I learned to be customer-oriented, efficient, friendly and patient, to communicate with people from all walks of life, all this to best meet the needs of a our demanding patients. I enjoyed working in the service sector (coupled with medicine), but missed working as a translator.

This is why in 2019, I resigned in order to become a freelance translator. I first took a part-time position at Swiss television, where I wrote subtitles during live programmes for the deaf and hard of hearing. A new experience that taught me the standards of subtitling, but above all how to keep my cool, how to use a voice recognition software, listen, read, correct, send the subtitle on screen… and all this in a couple of seconds!

In 2020, I was able to become a full-time freelance. The freedom that this status gives me is an indescribable feeling. But the best part of it is the gratitude I feel on a daily basis: each new project is a gift, since it allows me to continue to live from my passion.
I have the chance to collaborate with foundations, multilingual organizations and private companies active in areas that are dear to my heart: humanitarian aid, children's rights, environmental conservation, sports and health.

In addition to my linguistic and cultural interests, I have been practicing CrossFit for almost ten years, a simple hobby that quickly turned into a lifestyle, then a job! Indeed, I work as a liaison interpreter for sports seminars, which allows me to link my passion and my work.
In addition, I coach CrossFit classes in an affiliated Box  in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, where we work every day to improve the mental and physical health of several hundreds of members.


And if you google my name to find out more about me, you might come across a speech that I gave alongside a friend and fellow volunteer at the Red Cross as part of the Geneva Peace Talks at the United Nations, whose theme is: peace begins at home! 

Now that you know more about me, tell me about yourself and your needs!

Why Babelle?

The name Babel refers to a biblical myth explaining how languages were created. In this story, people began to build a tower in order to reach Heaven. But their work was interrupted by God, who dispersed them all over the Earth and assigned a different language to each of them. Thus, they could no longer communicate to build the tower. The spelling chosen allows me to merge this myth and my first name, Isabelle.

This biblical story inspires me because it shows that communicating and understanding each other is essentiel to achieve your goals. Also, translators act as a bridge that connects people, organizations, companies, so that they can achieve great things.

Let's work together

Merci pour votre envoi !
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